I am Nicole – a West Australian sustainability and environmental practitioner who lives in beautiful Denmark on the South Coast of Western Australia.
For over a decade I have lectured in sustainability at Murdoch University, introducing hundreds of students to systems thinking as a tool for creating sustainability. At the same time, I have been researching, writing, engaging, facilitating, and advocating for a more ecologically sound and sustainable future.
I am also a fledgling writer, working on my first novel, short stories and essays. You can also find me doing long distance swimming in the ocean and walking in the bush.
My purpose
I have spent my entire career working towards a sustainable future. Increasingly I am convinced that we humans are fundamentally disconnected to the natural world we rely on. I am also convinced that rediscovering those deep connections will be essential to our flourishing.
Skills and abilities
After a wide range of work and voluntary experience, I have developed a broad range of skills, from research, writing and communication, to systems thinking, strategic thinking and facilitation. I often find myself ‘joining the dots’ or working in collaborative, cross-disciplinary teams.
Previous experience
I have been a lecturer in Sustainability at Murdoch University for over a decade, but also work with a range of organisations such as Gondwana Link, the WA Landcare Network, and Green Skills in all kinds of research, writing and communications roles.
For the decade prior to that I’ve worked in Government, for the WA Local Government Association, but primarily for the not-for-profit environmental and sustainability sector. I’ve also been the President of the Conservation Council of WA and am currently convenor of the Denmark Environment Centre.
Sustainability and Environmental practitioner - Nature Advisor